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Thanks to be our part. As you know there are tough competitions in current competitive examinations. And English section is the most important part of competitive exams. The main objective of this article is to make you strong in Vocabulary which plays an  essential role in English section in any competitive Exams. Today we are going to give you the collection of most important Vocabularies(Word-Meaning) and its Synonym & Antonym  from India's reputed News Paper The Hindu. We suggest you to read it on Daily Basis and note down it in your Notebook.

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1. Instigate(इंस्टिगेट) : उकसाना,भड़काना : bring about or initiate (an action or event).

Synonym : Provoke, Aggravate, Seduce

Antonym : Halt, Prevent

Uses : they instigated a reign of terror

2. Implore(इम्पलोर) : प्रार्थना करना, याचना करना : beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.

Synonym : Pray, Request, Beseech

Antonym : Refuse,Reject,Disregard

Uses : implore mercy

3. Hazard(हैजर्ड/हज़ार्ड) : खतरा,जोखिम,संकट : a danger or risk.

Synonym : Menace,Danger

Antonym : Safe, Assurance 

Uses : we can form no calculation concerning the laws of hazard

4. Fortitude(फोर्टिटीउड़) : भाग्य,शक्ति ,साहस : courage in pain or adversity.

Synonym : Endurance, Guts, Stamina

Antonym : Meekness, Insecurity

Uses : she endured her illness with great fortitude

5. Divinity(डिविनिटी) : देवत्य, दिव्यता, धर्मशास्त्र : the state or quality of being divine.

Synonym : Godhead, Divinity,Deity,God

Antonym : Impiety, Godlessness

Uses : a doctor of divinity

6. Conscious(कॉन्सियस) : सचेत, जागरूक, अभिज्ञ : aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.

Synonym : Aware, Careful

Antonym : Unware,Unconscious

Uses : we are conscious of the extent of the problem

7. Mumble(मम्ब्ल) : बड़बड़ाना, भुनभुनानाsay something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear.

Synonym : Grumble, Gabble,Bubble

Antonym : Speak Clearly

Uses : Rosie had replied in a mumble

8. Scram(स्क्रैम) : रफ़ुचकर होना, भाग जाना, हाथापाई करनाleave or go away from a place quickly.

Synonym : Go off, Flit 

Antonym : Arrive, stay, Wait

Uses : when the power is cut off, the unit will automatically scram the reactor

9. Strumpet(स्ट्रम्पेट) : वेश्या : a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships.

Synonym : Mort, Squaw

Antonym : Virgin, Moralist,Maiden

Uses : 

10. Nonentity(नोनेंटीटी) : महत्वहीन,गैर जरूरी, तुक्ष : a person or thing with no special or interesting qualities; an unimportant person or thing.

Synonym : Insignificant, Nullity 

Antonym : Fact, Personage, Reality

Uses : She was written off then as a political nonentity

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