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Thanks to be our part. As you know there are tough competitions in current competitive examinations. And English section is the most important part of competitive exams. The main objective of this article is to make you strong in Vocabulary which plays an  essential role in English section in any competitive Exams. Today we are going to give you the collection of most important Vocabularies(Word-Meaning) and its Synonym & Antonym  from India's reputed News Paper The Hindu. We suggest you to read it on Daily Basis and note down it in your Notebook.

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1. Ghastly(गास्टली) : भयंकर, डरावने रूप से : causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre.

Synonym : Frightfully, Terrible, Dreadful 

Antonym : Pleasant, Fine

Uses : she was overcome with horror at the ghastly spectacle

2. Cringeworthy(करींजवर्थी) : कंजूस : causing feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness.

Synonym : Exasperating

Antonym : Straightforward 

Uses : the play's cast was excellent, but the dialogue was unforgivably cringeworthy

3. Intensive(इंटेंसिव) : गहन, सघन, तीब्र : concentrated on a single area or subject or into a short time; very thorough or vigorous.

Synonym : Profound, severe,Strong 

Antonym : Cursory, Superficial 

Uses : she undertook an intensive Arabic course

4. Carnage(कार्नेज) : नरसंहार : the killing of a large number of people.

Synonym : Massacre, Bath of Blood

Antonym : Salvation, Rescuing, Saving

Uses : the bombing was timed to cause as much carnage as possible

5. Mishap(मिषहैप) : दुर्घटना, आपत्ति, विपत्ति : an unlucky accident.

Synonym : Casualty, Demur, Catastrophe 

Antonym : Certainty, Decree

Uses : although there were a few minor mishaps, none of the pancakes stuck to the ceiling

6. Lukewarm(लुकवर्म) : उदासीन

Synonym : Effortless 

Antonym : Enthusiastic 

Uses : the film received a lukewarm reception from critics

7. Indulgent(इंडलजेंट) : कृपालु, दयालु, अनुग्रहशील : having or indicating a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone.

Synonym : Kind, Merciful, Pitiful

Antonym : Intolerant, Strict

Uses : a slightly adolescent, indulgent account of a love affair

8. Will(विल) : इक्षा, चाह : expressing the future tense.

Synonym : Desire, Testament

Antonym : Disliking, Hate

Uses : you will regret it when you are older

9. Pandemic(पैंडेमिक) : सर्वब्यापी महामारी : of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Synonym : Pandemic, Pimping

Antonym : Partial

Uses : the results may have been skewed by an influenza pandemic

10. Skid(स्किड) : फिसलने की क्रिया : of a vehicle) slide, typically sideways or obliquely, on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too quickly.

Synonym : Glide, skim

Antonym : Spike, Arise

Uses : the taxicab skidded to a halt

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