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Thanks to be our part. As you know there are tough competitions in current competitive examinations. And English section is the most important part of competitive exams. The main objective of this article is to make you strong in Vocabulary which plays an  essential role in English section in any competitive Exams. Today we are going to give you the collection of most important Vocabularies(Word-Meaning) and its Synonym & Antonym  from India's reputed News Paper The Hindu. We suggest you to read it on Daily Basis and note down it in your Notebook.

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1. Bilateral(बायलेटरल) : द्विपक्षीय : having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.

Synonym : Duplex 

Antonym : Multilateral, Unilateral

Uses : bilateral hearing is essential for sound location

2. Embrace(एम्ब्रेस) : गले मिलना , अलिंगार करना : hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection.

Synonym : Hug, Embosom 

Antonym : Exclude, Reject

Uses : the transformations brought about by the embrace of mass media

3. Strident(स्ट्रिडेंट ) : कठोर, सख्त , एकटक, स्पस्ट : loud and harsh; grating.

Synonym : Rigorous, Austere, Screechy 

Antonym : Dulcet, Soft

Uses : public pronouncements on the crisis became less strident

4. Palpable (पालपेबल) : साफ़ , स्पस्ट , प्रत्यक्ष, स्पर्शनीय : (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible.

Synonym : Apparent, Clear, Tactile

Antonym : Intangible

Uses : to talk of dawn raids in the circumstances is palpable nonsense

5. Diplomatic(डिप्लोमैटिक) : राजनयिक : of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.

Synonym : Diplomatic, Humble

Antonym : Rude, Tactless, Impolite 

Uses : diplomatic relations between the United States and Britain

6. Indeed(एनडीड) : वास्तव में, सचमुच, : used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested.

Synonym : Really, LIterally 

Antonym : Indefinite, Questionably, Doubtfully

Uses : it was not expected to last long, and indeed it took less than three weeks

7. Gamut(गैमट) : विस्तार, पहुंच, सरगम : the complete range or scope of something.

Synonym : Expansion, Reach, Eleboration

Antonym : Restraint, Restriction 

Uses : the whole gamut of human emotion

8. Commitment(कमिटमेंट) : वायदा, प्रतिवद्धता : the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

Synonym : Handover, Commitment

Antonym : Breach Denial

Uses : I cannot make such a commitment at the moment

9. Taboo(टैबू) : निषेध, पवबंदी, प्रतिवंध : a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

Synonym : Prohibition, Inhibition, Ban

Antonym : Permitted, Acceptance 

Uses : the use of violence must remain a taboo in our society

10. Egregious(एग्रीजियस) : प्रबल, जबरदस्त : outstandingly bad; shocking.

Synonym : Potent, Powerful, Dominant

Antonym : Marvellous

Uses : egregious abuses of copyright .

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