Daily Vocabulary from The Hindu 01-02-2021 || डेली वोकैबुलरी फ्रॉम द हिन्दू 01-02-2021 by Tar Education
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Thanks to be our part. As you know there are tough competitions in current competitive examinations. And English section is the most important part of competitive exams. The main objective of this article is to make you strong in Vocabulary which plays an  essential role in English section in any competitive Exams. Today we are going to give you the collection of most important Vocabularies(Word-Meaning) and its Synonym & Antonym  from India's reputed News Paper The Hindu. We suggest you to read it on Daily Basis and note down it in your Notebook.

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1. Privilege(प्रिविलेज) : सौभाग्य, विशेषाधिकार , A Special benefit not enjoyed by all
Synonym : Entitlement, prerogative, perquisite
Antonym : Restriction, Refusal
Uses : The Economic Survey seems to privilege wealth creation over reduction of income disparity.

2. Outlook(आउटलुक) : दृष्टिकोण, Belief about (or mental picture of) the future.
Synonym : Mindset, mentality, prospect
Antonym : Indecision, Lethargy
Uses : We should see World Economic Outlook for economic data.

3. Deleterious(डेलेटेरियस) : हानिकारक, घातक, निंदनीय, Harmful to living things
Synonym : Hurtful, Injurious
Antonym : Beneficial, Advantageous 
Uses : We should avoid from deleterious habits.

4. Curb(कर्ब) : नियंत्रण, a check or restraint on something.
Synonym : Restrain, Hold in, Control, Keep Back
Antonym : Release
Uses : she promised she would curb her temper

5. Contention(कंटेन्शन) : विवाद,तकरार, कलह, heated disagreement.
Synonym : Argument, Disagreement, Dispute
Antonym : Cooperation, Mediation
Uses : the captured territory was one of the main areas of contention between the two countries

6. Agitation(एजिटेशन) : आंदोलन, व्याकुलता, उत्तेजना, a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.
Synonym : Anxiety, Disquiet, Disconcertment
Antonym : Calmness, Relaxation
Uses : she was wringing her hands in agitation

7. Prognosis(प्रोगनोसिस) : रोग का निदान, पुर्वानुमान, the likely course of a disease or ailment.
Synonym : Prediction, Projection
Antonym : Hindsight
Uses : it is very difficult to make an accurate prognosis

8. Assessment(असेसमेंट) : मूल्यांकन, the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
Synonym : Evaluation, Judgment, Estimation
Antonym : Declassification, Stay
Uses : he made a rapid assessment of the situation

9. contend(कन्टेन्ड) : बहस करना,संघर्ष करना, struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger).
Synonym : Assert, Maintain, affirm, hold
Antonym : Agree, Comply, retreat
Uses : she had to contend with his uncertain temper

10. Intimacy(इंटिमेसी) : अंतरंगता, मित्रता,आत्मीयता,मैत्री 
Synonym : Affection, Love, amity, friendliness 
Antonym : Hate, enmity, ignorance
Uses : the intimacy between a husband and wife

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