Friends, as you all know that this ongoing great pandemic which is spread due to Corona virus, almost all the countries of the world are in the outbreak of this pandemic and this virus is so dangerous that it is very difficult to save oneself if infected.

See its video how fast it is spreading all around

Only we are able to survive, in such a situation, all of us will have to be united and follow the instructions given by the government and we will have to support the government, only then we can avoid this Corona Pandemic. 

Friends, to avoid this Corona Pandemic, the team of the world's largest doctors is engaged to make its medicine, but so far no success has been achieved, the only way to avoid this pandemic is in the hands of all of us.
Stay at your home to avoid this pandemic, no medicine has been made in the world so that it can be easily avoided,
so all of you can follow the instructions given by the government and doctors.

The symptoms of this Virus have been told by some experts, which you should watch carefully and the immediate measures to avoid it have been told by our doctors and the government has also instructed that all the remedies are being given to them.

Must follow for your life and the life of your future generations.
The symptoms are as follows -
Have a cold cough Aching muscles Feeling a little cold.
Trouble breathing,
sore throat and feeling pain

If you see any of these symptoms, then first of all, do not panic, because all these symptoms is not necessarily a symptom of Corona virus because such symptoms are according to the weather also.
Also sometimes you do not panic at all, visit the doctor and follow the instructions given by the doctor and do not travel around when you have such symptoms.
Don't touch anyone with your hand.

I pray to God that this doesn't happen to anyone, but if it happens, if someone becomes a victim of Corona virus, then visit the doctor immediately and follow the instructions given by the government and the doctor,
then you must get rid of this Pandemic.

If there is a symptoms of corona virus in a person, then make a distance of at least one to 2 meters from it.
In the beginning whoever gets the corona virus, the virus is taking the throat in the beginning for 2 to 3 days,
that is, the pain in the throat starts popping up and is causing trouble in breathing.
Then virus is slowly obstructing the respiratory system  and completely binding the lungs from breathing .

Guy follow some instructions, so below is a victim of the corona virus and avoid going on that most like to save the life of your life and for generations.

After coming back from crowded places Do not shake hands with anyone, first come clean your clothes without touching anything and clean the cloth thoroughly and bath yourself with water and soap. 

Don't go to infected areas
Leave home only if necessary
Spent more and more of your time at home until the government orders that you can now roam everywhere.

Therefore, a humble request to all  of you friends is to strictly follow the instructions given above and the instructions given by the government and by the doctor.
Thanks !!

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