Tar Education_Daily Vocabulary from The Hindu

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Thanks to be our part. As you know there are tough competitions in current competitive examinations. And English section is the most important part of competitive exams. The main objective of this article is to make you strong in Vocabulary which plays an  essential role in English section in any competitive Exams. Today we are going to give you the collection of most important Vocabularies(Word-Meaning) and its Synonym & Antonym  from India's reputed News Paper The Hindu. We suggest you to read it on Daily Basis and note down it in your Notebook.

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1. Malice(मालिस/मैलिस) : Desire to see others suffer : द्वेष, डाह, गुस्सा, दुर्भावना, जलन, रंजिश

Synonym : Venom, Spite, Spitefulness, Malevolence

Antonym : Goodwill, Benevolence

Uses : Action done with malice has no good intention.

2. Misleading(मिसलीडिंग) : Designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently

: बरगलाना, ग़लतफहमी पैदा करने वाला

Synonym : Dishonest, Deceptive, Shoddy

Antonym : Truthful

Uses : Misleading through Social  media’s post is a crime.

3. Invoke(इन्वोक) : Summon into action : आह्वानकरना, विनतीकरना

Synonym : Appeal, Pray, Stir

Antonym : Reply, Answer

Uses : The police have invoked the offence of sedition

4. Sedition(सेडीसन/सिडीशन ) : An illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority

        : राजद्रोह

Synonym : Mutiny, Insurrection, Treason

Antonym : Calm, Peace, Obedience

Uses : The Sedition act was introduced by the British colonial.

5. Conspiracy(कांस्पीरेसी) : A secrete agreement between two or more people.

        : साजिस, सडयंत्र

Synonym : Confederacy, Cabal, Collusion

Antonym : Loyalty, Faithfulness

Uses : I have listened about your conspiracy.

6. Enmity(इनमित्य ) : The feeling of a hostile person

        : दुश्मनी

Synonym : Hostality, ill will, Antagonism

Antonym : Acquiescence, Allegiance

Uses : Be careful otherwise your enmity can harm you.

7. Harmony(हारमनी/हार्मोनी) : Compatibility in opinion and action

        : तालमेल,सामंजस्य

Synonym : Concord, Unanimity

Antonym : Dispute, Riot, Controversy, Contravention, Affray

Uses : There should be a harmony amongst us during our exam.

8. Portray(पोर्ट्रे/पोर्टरे) : This book portray the actor as a selfish person

        : चित्रित करना

Synonym : Depict, Impersonate, Enact

Antonym : Misstate, Distort, Misrepresent

Uses : Politician should think before portraying any community.

9. Instigate(इंस्टिगेट) : Provoke or Stir up someone

        : भड़काना, उकसाना 

Synonym : Prompt, Incite, Abet

 Antonym : Halt, Prevent

10. Apparent(आपरेंट/अप्रेन्ट) : Clearly revealed to the mind

        : स्पस्ट,प्रतक्ष्य

Synonym : Manifest, Evident, Unmistakable

Antonym : Unclear, Obscure

Uses : Apparently something had been discussed in our absence.

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